Constrained Application Protocol remains one of the most efficient protocol for low power devices. Let's see how CoAP is implemented with IOTIFY
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Constrained Application Protocol remains one of the most efficient protocol for low power devices. Let's see how CoAP is implemented with IOTIFY
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CoAP is based on UDP and has built in mechanism for ensuring reliable delivery. For a good overview of CoAP, please see the following guides
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In IoTIFY CoAP protocol settings we allow following fields to be configured
Method: CoAP method, which could be GET/POST/PUT/DELETE
Host: The CoAP Host name or IP address, followed by the port number (if not default)
Path: The CoAP server URL, where the message should be sent to. If you are using a query string, that must be the part of URL itself.
Confirm: Whether the message should be sent as (Conformable) CON or (Unacknowledged) NON
Observe: Whether the resource should be observed and any changes should be sent back to the client. The response handler function will be invoked if a change is detected.
Additional Headers: Any additional header which must be sent along with the payload.
Timeout: The timeout value to wait before declaring a non confirmed message a failure.